Friday, July 31, 2009

Warriston School - Kenneth Laming

Welcome to the Warriston School website for former students.
Whilst Warriston School was closed some 30 years ago, as former students we all have memories of the school that was significant in the formative period of our lives. Some students braved schooling at Warriston for as much as 7 years and others for only a term or two.
Nestled in a Scottish border valley, isolated from city life, Warriston students were given an intensive education by some excellent teachers, including Brian and Martha Larmour, Brian Usher, James Bell and others.

1 comment:

    As far as we have researched, Professor Ian DONALD, the pioneer of Ultrasonography (Obstetrician and Gynaecologist) a famous former Warriston student.
    Also, see the achievements of other Warriston students, Sir Keith and Sir Ross Smith (esteemed aviator pioneers in Adelaide, Australia).
    L. G. Crawley of Brancepeth Castle. Former Warriston Headmaster.
    A tribute to a former Head Boy – Lawrence Haggerty.
    If you believe your achievements are note-worthy, please submit details.
